Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Life is hard to swallow sometimes...

Sorry I haven't updated lately. So much to share and so much yet to do. Infact, I will keep this short as I have plenty to do! The kiddos left for FL early yesterday morning...I miss them already. Of course we are talking about me, so I waited til the last possible minute to pack them..of course the six loads of laundry I had to do beforehand had alot to do with that:) I was supposed to go to FL too on June 10th, but had to postpone it. My grandma in California is in renal failure (kidneys) and isn't expected to live much longer. My poor grandfather has opted to bring her home to pass away. She's had her health ups and downs but this was very unexpected. I am so sad as she was the grandma who was so nurturing when I was young, taught me how to sew, was always creating and just a pleasure to be around. Now she's going to be gone forever and I'm having a hard time with that.

I am flying out there Thursday and will be back June 23rd. Patrick is taking me out to dinner tonight since we won't really see eachother for quite a while. I will update more once I get to Cali, but for now this is what is happening.

On a different, lighter note, I found a lovely bird pattern for stitching in one of my craft magazines, I believe it was Creative Home. I plan to stitch it to some pillow cases. I am trying to find some crafty things to occupy my time and relieve some stress while I'm away.

Well, that's it for now...have a great rest of the week everyone!