Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I started school Saturday. I am taking Intro to Biology. I have come to the realization that I am NOT a science person. I mean, I couldn't despise anything more. Well, maybe a hot poker in the eye. I feel utterly stupid. I just don't graspe this stuff. I should be painting a picture in art somewhere or basket weaving. Does anyone else feel this way when it comes to science/math?
I don't have any pictures today, too lazy to get my camera. I will, however, on the next post, take some to show some of the stuff I've been doing lately. Painting bathrooms, decoupaging mirrors, painting old lamps, decorating. I spent half my day yesterday cleaning the kids rooms...yeah, HALF THE DAY people! Why are kids in the 7 and up range so gross? Hygiene is definately not priority either...I guess I was that way too, I just chose to forget.
My dog is evil. Truly. At night, while she's in the cage, she plots at night, and is always devising a plan to destroy all humans and their possessions. She chews up everything. Nothing is safe at her level, it's so annoying, I can't get anything done, it's like having a toddler again, but, well, it's not, it's a dog. If you came to my house right now, you could look on top of my fireplace and see a large collection of STUFF that she has tried to devour. Any suggestions???
The job search is going nowhere. What is going on? I have submitted at least 40 resumes in the last 2 weeks, and NOONE is calling. Boy, I'm low today. Sorry for the spiraling downward post today, but we're all human, right. Things may be better tomorrow. Until then, happy Tuesday!!


noodle and lou said...

okay...stop the insanity! i just read your message on my blog and had to write you back! We also lived in Riverside and I was born on the Westside - westside's the best side... :) we moved away in 2000...maybe we were neighbors!

i am in total agreement with math and science, by the way. i never could do any of it. it's truly for the birds. (you are not an idiot!!) hang in there!! i am so thrilled to see you open a shop...keep me posted!!


noodle and lou said...

Hi Stephanie...me again! thanks for your new message. Maine was sort of the pits (LONG story and why I didn't really write about it in my blog)...but I had a super fun time with Jake! NY is SOOOO expensive it is just pure insanity. Long Island is so beautiful though (I didn't expect it to be) and to be so close to NYC is incredible.

It really is so crazy about Jax! Did you ever go into Fans and Stoves in Riverside? There used to be the BEST little booth in there where I would get the cutest painted furniture and little pillows and stuff. And Club 5 ladies night...whoa, now I'm going WAY back!!

Hope your doin' good...how's life?
Talk with you soon:) xo...jenn